Finland summer season.
Finland summer season is a very dynamic time for the natural environment after the snow has melted away around the month of March – April from there on the days get warmer until the calendar hits June. The month of June is called, “kesä-kuu”, meaning summer-month. The summer month is followed by the grass month (heinä-kuu) on the calendar.
Regular summer rainfall makes the environment thrive.
The Nordic countries do enjoy a regular rainfall during the summer months, it is much needed as the environment is active in the relatively short window for growth. Because the autumn-winter-spring is so long, there is only about 3 months left for the summer season to go through all of the necessary places. Even the migrating birds are rushed to time their flight as soon as possible as the snow and ice starts to melt. There is some variation from year to year so the migrating birds need to fly in advance and be on the doorstep ready and waiting on the Nordic countries, and ready to proceed their flight north as soon as it viable.
Prints from the Finland summer season. Picture gallery.
Images of the Finland summer season. Digital images.

Green berry bushes, pine trees, and mushrooms.
The bilberry bushes grow from April to July, around late June to early July the bilberries start to form shape and they are green in color. Two to three weeks of the green berries will start to go thought the color change, and become dark blue.
The pine trees in the Nordic countries are also affected by the extreme cold winter, they can only grow between the early summer month of June to October. The month of November may have snow and frost, December will have snow most likely and the sub-zero temperatures will put the trees into hibernation. The late summer months to Autumn is great for mushrooms, put they need lots of rain to thrive. There are many types of mushrooms in Finland summer season, and the mushrooms have their own cycles and rhythm, and specific type of mushroom at a given time for three to four weeks. After one type of mushroom has come and gone then there is usually another type of mushroom about to appear and be around for 3-4 weeks generally. Some mushrooms like the chanter-ell may appear at early summer and also autumn. Finland summer season has many surprises waiting for those that do venture into the forest to explore and wonder around searching and foraging for things to photograph, berries for forage and mushrooms to pick. Always be very aware with the Nordic mushrooms because there are white colored mushrooms in the forest that are extremely toxic, they cause permanent kidney failure if consumed. Never pick mushrooms in a foreign environment without a guide that is competent with the local mushroom types the dangers involved. Happy Finland summer season 2014.