Nordic art gallery online
New Nordic art gallery online with many fine images of the natural Nordic environment. There are pictures of the 4 very distinct seasonal changes and the most extreme impact of them all is the winter freeze over and the suppressive impact of it on the environmental flora. Most of the bird life fly south for winter and some mammals can also move to a warmer areas to winter, but the flora stays put where it is for the entire winter which can be up to 6 months.

Spring season is a slow thaw with subzero temperatures and sunshine.
The spring season in the northern hemisphere can be a lot colder than the coldest of the cold winters in some other regions of the world, subzero temperatures can dip down to -10-15*C during the spring season, while the sun comes out during the daytime and brightens up the minds and the mood of the gone winter hangover.
Late spring is really revving new life up and gets a running start for the coming summer season.
The environment really takes off fast when it hits the summer warmth and the calendar month on the first of June. Depending on how warm and steady the weather is but when it arrives it really shows. Within one week the birch trees go from apparent no leaves on the branches to been green all over with green sticky sap filled leaves, obviously the natural environment has been waiting and waiting for the weather to turn so that they can start growing once again for another warm summer season.
Nordic art gallery online captures images of the natural Nordic colors
Here are two links to picture galleries that contain many of the natural colors of the Nordic region.
- Nordic Art Gallery Online.
- Nordic Stock Images Online.

See the Nordic Berry Pictures from here.